West Driefontein Gold Mine, Vaal Reefs – No 9 Shaft. Transvaal RSA. 1981-1983

The shaft was sunk through 236 m of Transvaal Dolomite Formation. No pre-grouting was undertaken from surface, and pilot drilling and cement grouting from shaft bottom during sinking did not stop the serious inflow of water. In 1981 two badly fractured areas were identified at depths of 50-53 meters and 120-125 meters below the collar. SCEM66 was used and a well-planned grouting operation carried out. Inflow was cut from 220,000 liters per day to 20,000 liters per day – better than 89% improvement. The shaft was inspected again in June 1984, and it was gratifying to assess the efficacy of the SCEM66 system as the shaft barrel was now completely dry.

Underground storage dams were sealed at the No. 8 and No. 9 shafts.